The New Hope Missionary Baptist Church began as the Grace Mission Church and was founded in 1928 under the leadership of the late Rev. Henry H. Harrison. New Hope began in a private home at 579 Jackson Avenue.
When the church began, there were very few in number. Times were hard and the church had it rough. Many times they were tempted to quit. One night, the church members met to shake hands and call it quits. It was then that the late Mrs. Thomisina Dixon stood up and said, "Let's not quit. Let us put new hope in our hearts. Let us put new hope in our minds and in our hearts and carry on for the Lord."
Rev. Harrison then stood up and said, "Let us rename our church. Let us call it "New Hope". They decided to move to a new location, the Celtic Hall on the corner of Clinton and Jackson Avenue. However, because of the amount of noise, they moved back to 579 Jackson Avenue. After a short stay, they moved to 31 Ege Avenue.
They continued to worship at 31 Ege Avenue under the leadership of Rev. Harrison until 1946. The church began to grow spiritually and numerically. Membership grew to approximately seventy-five (75) members. The pastor and church purchased a church house from the Salem Baptist Church. On the 2nd Sunday in July 1946, the church moved from 31 Ege Avenue to 131 Union Street. In 1947, Pastor Harrison's health began to fail. Rev. James N. Williams, the Assistant Pastor, was made acting pastor.
In 1947, Rev. Williams became the 2nd pastor of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church. Under Pastor William's administration, our membership has grown from 35 to over 700 members. More than 40 preachers have been licensed under Pastor Williams. The church worshipped at 131 Union Street for 34 years.
In August 1980, we marched into our present location at 472-76 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City. This present site was discovered and negotiated by Rev. John Dupree, who served the church for nearly 30 years as Assistant Pastor during the tenure of Rev. Williams. During Rev. William's 50 years as pastor, he has instituted a Music Department, Christian Education Department and many other programs to benefit the church.
On July 29, 1997, the church called Rev. Dr. Alonzo Perry, Sr. to serve as the third pastor in the church's history. Rev. Dr. Perry united with New Hope in 1981 and he served as the Chairman of the Department of Christian Education. In January 1997, Rev. Dr. Perry was appointed the church's first Business Administrator. Under Rev. Dr. Perry's administration, the church has made many improvements to the church facility. He has instituted an 8:00 AM worship service and formed a new choir for young adults. The church has doubled its membership under the pastorate of Rev. Dr. Perry. He has continued to carry out the vision and mission of the church. The church is presently acquiring property to expand its presence in the community.